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tempref[n].style.color=neontextcolor if (n<tempref.length-1) n++ else{ n=0 clearInterval(flashing) setTimeout("beginneon()",1000) return } } function beginneon(){ if (document.all) flashing=setInterval("neon()",flashspeed) } beginneon() </script> <!-- End Gem Build Your Own Web Gem --> </div> <div> <IMG SRC="051e50b0.jpg" border=0 width="229" height="11" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0"></div> <div> <TABLE BORDER="5" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="5" WIDTH="381" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#CC9966" BORDERCOLORDARK="#CC9966" FRAME="BOX" RULES="ALL" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0" > <tR> <tD VALIGN=TOP ROWSPAN=2 HEIGHT= 1 WIDTH="355"><div> Topic: Foxie Thoughts </div> <div> Date: May 26th 2003 </div> <div> Posted by Deborah Kitt </div> <div> Content:<FONT SIZE="1" COLOR="#CC66FF" FACE="Arial" > </FONT><FONT SIZE="1" COLOR="#CC9966" FACE="Arial" >Well this day started off beautful the sun is shinning. the birds are chirping.that makes me happy. me and jamie had a busy day yesterday.we did yard work for about 5 hours. then went to church. we went to carowinds this weekend had a great time.james is down to two weeks of school then he is out for the summer. he has done so well this year i'm very proud of daughter melissa sent me my birthday gift yesterday. it was a gold watch with a matching bracelet and a beautiful jewery made my day. my kids are my life.joe finally gets to come home in two weeks.i know melissa and andrew miss him very much . me and james do as well .but i'm also proud of my soninlaw fighting for his country .he has a big hug and kiss coming when i see him .well i guess that about does it for today . happy reading for anyone who reads my post Hugz Deborah </FONT></div> <DIV ALIGN="LEFT"></DIV> <div> <U>My Horoscope Today</U> </div> <div> The person is not the label. If you think you know someone by where they live or what they do for a living, you have only a small piece of the big picture. Those who are truly curious will do something to shatter all the stereotypes. Reach out to coworkers or neighbors and bring them into your social circle. Discover the human being behind the business persona or the anonymous front door. The revelation works both ways. You delight someone else by simply being yourself. They never imagined that you could be this wonderful, either.</div> </tD> </tR> <tR> </tR> </TABLE></div> <div> <IMG SRC="051e50b0.jpg" border=0 width="229" height="11" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0"></div> <div> <TABLE BORDER="5" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="5" WIDTH="381" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#CC9966" BORDERCOLORDARK="#CC9966" FRAME="BOX" RULES="ALL" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0" > <tR> <tD VALIGN=TOP ROWSPAN=2 HEIGHT= 1 WIDTH="355"><div> Topic: Foxie Thoughts </div> <div> Date: May 27th 2003 </div> <div> Posted by Deborah Kitt </div> <div> Content:<FONT SIZE="1" COLOR="#CC9966" FACE="Arial" > Well today doesn't look as nice as yesterday. its rainning and the birds are surely not chirping lmao.but i feel great . even though </FONT></div> <div> my psp stop working.thats about my luck.when it rains it pours for me .i half to go with my sister today to have two teeth cut out .i feel sorry for anyone who has to have teeth pulled out .been there done that.nothing worth bragging about thats for sure.well i'll post more later need to get started on my house work. well i'm back from a day of running, me and james had supper after i got home taking my sister to the dentist. then we did yard work until 8.30 i'm pretty tired so i guess i'm going to call it a night Hugz Deborah </div> <DIV ALIGN="LEFT"></DIV> <div> <U>My Horoscope Today</U> </div> <div> There's such a thing as being too good. Always getting your way gets boring. You know your audience too well, and they're comfortable with you, too. But if people aren't responding in the ways they used to do, how do you know that you're still having an effect? Change the formula this time. Act out of character. Rocking the boat doesn't have to be a dramatic gesture, although there are some who might see it that way. Your little social experiment bears strange and wonderful fruit. The conversation turns interesting all over again when you're the catalyst.</div> </tD> </tR> <tR> </tR> </TABLE></div> <div> <IMG SRC="051e50b0.jpg" border=0 width="229" height="11" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0"></div> <div> <TABLE BORDER="5" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="5" WIDTH="381" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#CC9966" BORDERCOLORDARK="#CC9966" FRAME="BOX" RULES="ALL" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0" > <tR> <tD VALIGN=TOP ROWSPAN=2 HEIGHT= 1 WIDTH="355"><div> Topic: Foxie Thoughts </div> <div> Date: May 28th 2003 </div> <div> Posted by Deborah Kitt </div> <div> Content:<FONT SIZE="1" COLOR="#CC9966" FACE="Arial" > Well Its Another cold morning in va.i thought it was summer time . My arms are kinda sore from raking yesterday .but no pain no game.but me and james still has alot of work to do . if it ever warms up and stays warm. my flower bed need alot of work on them . james has his exams and sol this week .yes i talk alot about my son . but my kids are my life so i always talk about them .if anything they are all i have ever had.and my cat cencea cant forget him . that cat thinks he is a person not a cat lmao.i talk to him and he shakes his head no ! i'm like ok .well thats about it for now my day is just now starting need to get my coffee and head to the group . we had 5 new members to join yesterday. i was like wow .so until later happy reading . Well its later nothing much to brag about pulled weeds and cleaned house and cooked supper was about it for me .but just now getting done its 7.49 pm so i guess i'm going to hit the shower and call it a night Hugz Deborah </FONT></div> <DIV ALIGN="LEFT"></DIV> <div> <U>My Horoscope Today</U> </div> <div> Nothing is easy. On the other hand, few things are impossible. Even though your road to success is littered with obstacles, you're ready to see how many you can overcome. Frustration is only natural, but somehow you find a way to use it productively. Others are impressed with your fighting spirit. Some might even join you if your cause is attractive enough. Forget the logic of obsession. Embrace the empirical process. Doing something in a different way will produce different results. You don't think of yourself as an inventor, but if your invention works, why not take it to the next phase?</div> </tD> </tR> <tR> </tR> </TABLE></div> <div> <IMG SRC="051e50b0.jpg" border=0 width="229" height="11" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0"></div> <div> <TABLE BORDER="5" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="5" WIDTH="381" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#CC9966" BORDERCOLORDARK="#CC9966" FRAME="BOX" RULES="ALL" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0" > <tR> <tD VALIGN=TOP ROWSPAN=2 HEIGHT= 1 WIDTH="355"><div> Topic: Foxie Thoughts </div> <div> Date: May 29th 2003 </div> <div> Posted by Deborah Kitt </div> <div> Content: <FONT SIZE="1" COLOR="#CC9966" FACE="Arial" >Well i got up about 5.30 am its going to rain again today .so tired of rain want to see some sunshine but god knows what hes doing so i'll be happy reguardless.i have a busy day once i dont know how much i'll be updating today, or posting my thoughts.We have had alot of new members to join the group this month . me and lady sharisse has made the birthday we have that behind us now .lady sharisse if you read this thanks so much for all you do for me and the group.its nice to know you have someone you can count on. well i guess thats about it for today Hugz Deborah</FONT></div> <DIV ALIGN="LEFT"></DIV> <div> <U>My Horoscope Today</U> </div> <div> The person is not the label. If you think you know someone by where they live or what they do for a living, you have only a small piece of the big picture. Those who are truly curious will do something to shatter all the stereotypes. Reach out to coworkers or neighbors and bring them into your social circle. Discover the human being behind the business persona or the anonymous front door. The revelation works both ways. You delight someone else by simply being yourself. They never imagined that you could be this wonderful, either.</div> </tD> </tR> <tR> </tR> </TABLE></div> <div> <IMG SRC="051e50b0.jpg" border=0 width="229" height="11" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0"></div> <div> <TABLE BORDER="5" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="5" WIDTH="381" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#CC9966" BORDERCOLORDARK="#CC9966" FRAME="BOX" RULES="ALL" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0" > <tR> <tD VALIGN=TOP ROWSPAN=2 HEIGHT= 1 WIDTH="355"><div> Topic: Foxie Thoughts </div> <div> Date: May 30th 2003 </div> <div> Posted by Deborah Kitt </div> <div> Content:<FONT SIZE="1" COLOR="#CC9966" FACE="Arial" > Well good morning its beautiful here in va.the birds are chirping for sure. and the sun is shinning bright thank you lord .i'll finally be able to finish my yard work up. or at least nock half of it brother broke his nose last night at work.he will be off a couple of days. my sister sprang her ankle today.she feel down a set of stairs. so my son went with her to the doctor.then james went to stay with my parents tonight. and my pc crashed today so i have none of my files i half to start over on web pages. web graphics ect.what a day lol. thats about my luck when i think im getting ahead i get pushed back well thats about it for my ramblings for today god bless Hugz Deborah</FONT></div> <DIV ALIGN="LEFT"></DIV> <div> <U>My Horoscope Today</U> </div> <div> Shiny happy person. Today your individuality will really shine. So for the best day possible, try showing off the qualities that make you different and unique. That could involve wearing your favorite clothes, sharing your hobbies and collections, or even telling others your most unique desires.</div> </tD> </tR> <tR> </tR> </TABLE></div> <div> <IMG SRC="051e50b0.jpg" border=0 width="229" height="11" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0"></div> <div> <TABLE BORDER="5" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="5" WIDTH="381" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#CC9966" BORDERCOLORDARK="#CC9966" FRAME="BOX" RULES="ALL" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0" > <tR> <tD VALIGN=TOP ROWSPAN=2 HEIGHT= 1 WIDTH="355"><div> Topic: Foxie Thoughts </div> <div> Date: May 31st 2003 </div> <div> Posted by Deborah Kitt </div> <DIV ALIGN="LEFT"></DIV> <div> Content: <FONT SIZE="1" COLOR="#CC9966" FACE="Arial" >Well good morning well the rain is back and its cold. its hard to believe tomorrow is june and its still this cold out side. Going to be busy today my pc crashed yesterday and i need to restart downloading programs again. I dread that like i dread a tooth ache.neither is no fun. james went out to eat with mom and dad and shopping. i have been cleaning all day. dreading working on my pc. but i'm getting ready to start. just wanted to post before i did .If i get a chance later i'll post some more so until then hugz Deborah</FONT></div> </tD> </tR> <tR> </tR> </TABLE></div> <div> <IMG SRC="051e50b0.jpg" border=0 width="229" height="11" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0"></div> <div> <B><IMG SRC="07157ac0.jpg" border=0 width="87" height="172" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0"></b></div> <div> <!-- Start Gem Build Your Own Web Gem --> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" TYPE="text/javascript" SRC=""></SCRIPT> <table width="200" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td width=200 height=200 valign=top> <iframe src="" name="tag" width="200" height="200" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"></iframe> <script>netscape_support();</script> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="" target="_new">Powered by TagBoard Message Board</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <form action="" method="post" name="tagform" target="tag"> <input type="hidden" name="name" value="heart4sale"> Name<br> <input name="tagname" maxlength="20"><br> URL or Email<br> <input name="tagurl" maxlength="100"><br> Messages(<a href="" onClick="return pop_up_smilies();" target="_blank">smilies</a>) <br> <textarea cols="24" rows="3" name="message" wrap></textarea><br> <input class=button type="submit" value="TAG" onclick="return Clear_Last_Message_on_Submit();"> </form> <script>rememberme()</SCRIPT> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- End Gem Build Your Own Web Gem --> </div> <div> <IMG SRC="051e50b0.jpg" border=0 width="229" height="11" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0"></div> <div> <TABLE BORDER="5" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="5" WIDTH="213" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#CC9966" BORDERCOLORDARK="#CC9966" FRAME="BOX" RULES="ALL" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0" > <tR> <tD VALIGN=TOP HEIGHT= 59 ><NOBR><div> All Content 2003 @ 2004 </div> <div> By Foxie Dollz</div> <div> &nbsp;Unless Otherwise credited</div> <div> &nbsp;All Rights Reserved</div> </NOBR></tD> </tR> <tR> <tD VALIGN=TOP HEIGHT= 80 ><NOBR><div> <A HREF="" TARGET="_top" TITLE=""><U><IMG SRC="075943c0.gif" border=0 width="148" height="60" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0"></U></A></div> <div> Doll Credit !</div> </NOBR></tD> </tR> </TABLE></div> <bR> <div> <!-- Start Gem Build Your Own Web Gem --> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!-- End Gem Build Your Own Web Gem --> <FONT SIZE="1" COLOR="#CC9966" FACE="Arial" >Visitor</FONT></div> <div> <!-- Start Gem Build Your Own Web Gem --> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!-- End Gem Build Your Own Web Gem --> </div> <bR> </td> </tr></table></body>